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Council Meetings

Council Meetings


When is the next meeting?

Council meetings are held bi-monthly, usually on the first Tuesday.
Parishioners are encouraged to attend. Items for the agenda at the meeting must be sent to The Clerk at least 7 days before.The next meeting of Hale Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 3rd  September 2024 at 7 pm  in Hale Village Hall.

​The agenda can be seen here


The minutes from the last meeting can be viewed here





Parish Council Meetings

Members of the public have a right to attend Council meetings to observe and record the Parish Council in the fulfilment of its duties, but these are not public meetings. There is no automatic entitlement for the public to speak. Through its standing orders and in the interests of full transparency and public engagement, HPC allows Members of the public to:-


"make representations, answer questions and give evidence at a meeting which they are entitled to attend in respect of the business on the agenda". (HPC Standing Orders 2015; 3.(e))


HPC encourages genuine political debate but is determined that all discussion and any such representations must be made in a polite and respectful manner. All members must treat others with respect. The Chairman has reminded all Councillors of the relevant Code of Conduct and the Guidance provided on the same by Standards for England and politely requests that all attendees to the Parish Council meeting honour the same standards of behaviour. In particular:


"Ideas and policies may be robustly criticised but individuals should not be subject to unreasonable or excessive personal attack. This particularly applied to dealing with the public and officers". (SfE May '07 Guidance Para 3.1)


The Council will consider requests from the public to make representations after the minutes of the previous meeting have been considered. Representations will be heard at the beginning of the consideration of the relevant item on the agenda.


Members of the public are reminded that they may submit representations to the Parish Council at any time by post or email to the Parish Clerk and these will be considered (anonymously) by the Council in the monthly meeting as Correspondence





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