Hampshire Trading Standards would like to remind residents that The Office for National Statistics Census Day is Sunday 21st March 2021.
This survey gives the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. The information you give helps decide how services are planned and funded in your local area.
The census must be completed by law with accurate information.
All households have been receiving a letter giving details of how to complete the census.
From Monday 22nd March 2021, Census officers will be following up non responders and helping residents with queries by knocking on their doors.
All Census officers will be carrying official identification cards with a photograph and the officer’s name. Be sure who is at your door. All Census officers will carry a critical workers letter containing a telephone number. Any resident can ask to see this letter and use the number if they are unsure that the caller is genuine.
Census officers will NEVER
Ask for money, or request the resident to withdraw cash
Ask for bank details at any point during their conversations with residents
Ask to enter the resident’s home
Covid-19 Precautions
Census officers are classed as key workers and will be working within the law. Officers will wear personal protective equipment, socially distance and not enter residents’ homes.
More information is available at www.census.gov.uk or by calling 0800 141 2021.