The telephone box has been adopted and is in ownership of Hale Parish Council.
Following feedback from parishioners the kiosk is to be used as an information centre, hopefully in a dynamic, adaptive way, involving as much of the community as possible. Information from the Parish Council, The National Park, National Trust and other organisations will always be available but in addition the Parish Council would like all local organisations e.g. Hale School, Brownies, Horticultural society to be involved in the form of a rolling “pop up”. Every few months the focus will change, for example, from a mini art gallery to showcase local art to the sharing of fruit and vegetables in the summer.
Local parishioners also requested a seed exchange which is already in the kiosk so please go and have a look and swap some seeds.
It is a working progress with signage and resources to be added but if you have any questions or ideas to add please contact Amanda Johnson (Parish Clerk) at