Do you have any neighbours you are concerned about and do you have telephone numbers for them? Have you contacted them or could you let us have their number so that we can check they are okay? Please let Jacqui know on 510376 or email me here.
We have compiled a telephone list and volunteers will phone neighbours regularly to check if anything is needed. More numbers are needed.
Deliveries and Support Services
Woodgreen Shop 01725 512467 - Please register for an account on their website.
Hale Newsagents 01725 510458 - Please phone by Thursday lunchtime for Friday delivery.
Hale and Woodgreen Support Group:
Church and Parish - Rev Nicky Davies 07931 413629
Church Parish Council - Sue Allpress 01725 512572
Community - Rob Hutchinson 07711 166523
Hale Co-ordinator - Jacqui Hartas 01725 510376
Age Concern Village Agent – Roger Phillips - 07776 595018
Age Concern Emergency Support Number 0800 328 7154
Downton Link can support existing customers only
If there is anything you can’t get hold of, if you need medicines or food or help with your animals or pets, please get in touch and we’ll try to help.