Dear resident
We are introducing a new household waste and recycling service in 3 phases, based on areas of the district. Different areas start at different times.
This email is an introduction to the new service and gives some key dates and information.
Before the new waste service starts in your area, we will send you a letter which will give more details on the new service.
We hope you find this information helpful. Please share it with your family and friends if they live in the New Forest district.
When the new waste service will start in your area
The new household waste and recycling collection service is being rolled out in 3 phase areas, starting this summer:
You can use your postcode to check which phase you are in, which waste containers you will use, and when your new bins and caddies will be delivered on our website.
If you are in the phase 1 area, we will be writing to you soon with more information. This will confirm what waste containers you will use, support available, your collection days, and your start date.
We will also send letters to households in phases 2 and 3 nearer their start date.
Wheelie bins and food caddies
Over 85% of properties have been assessed as suitable for the standard collection service using wheelie bins. Some properties are still being assessed, some will use communal bins, and a small number will continue to use sacks.
Households with the standard collection service will have:
We are due to deliver bins and food waste caddies between the following dates:
You can see demonstration versions of the wheelie bins at our information offices in Lymington, Lyndhurst, New Milton, and Ringwood.
If you live in a property which shares communal bins, or we have assessed your property as unsuitable for wheelie bins, the waste containers you use for the new service may be different. If this applies to your property, we will write to you with details before the changes are due in your area.
Before the new waste collections are due to start, we will update our website with information on criteria and how to apply for a larger or smaller bin.
Collection information
Once your new waste collections start, we will collect your recycling and rubbish on alternate weeks.This means your rubbish will be collected one week, and your recycling the next week.
We will collect your food waste every week.
There will be changes to your collection days; we’ll write to you with your start date and collection days before your new waste collections start.
Glass collections will remain every 4 weeks using your current black glass collection box.
Food waste recycling
For the new food waste recycling service, you will get a brown outdoor food waste caddy (23 litres) and a smaller grey indoor food waste caddy (5 litres).
Using the smaller grey indoor food waste caddy, you can store food waste in your kitchen. Then, when it’s time for your weekly food waste collection, or your grey indoor food waste caddy is full, you can transfer the food waste to the larger brown outdoor food waste caddy.
This food waste will be collected weekly and will go to an anaerobic digestion facility to create fertiliser and renewable energy.
Before your new waste collections start, there will be guidance to help you use your food waste containers. And there will be a leaflet with your caddies when they are delivered to you.In the meantime, if you would like to learn ways you can reduce food waste visit the Smart Living website.
Help with putting your bin out
If you cannot put your household waste out for collection due to a disability, illness, or injury, you may be eligible for assisted collections.
Read more about assisted collections on our website.
Get more information about waste and recycling
Thank you for reading this email. We will continue to add updates about the new waste service in these emails. We will also be starting a new email subscription specifically for your phase area with information about waste and recycling.
You can sign up to receive these for your phase area on our website now.