As services begin to return to normal at the hospital patients who have been
referred by their GP or whose treatment was interrupted by the pandemic are
being sent appointments. These appointments are being prioritised according to
health need. This means those in the most urgent need of investigation or
treatment are being offered the earliest appointments.
The hospital wishes to reassure patients who were on a waiting list before the
COVID-19 outbreak and have not been contacted that they are still on their waiting
list. However, it is likely that waiting times will be longer than is usual at the
hospital. The Trust is sorry for this and for any worry this may cause patients.
Many suspended services are now open again and the Trust has introduced
alternative ways to see patients. For example the hospital is using video and
telephone consultations where it is appropriate to do so. These and other
measures are helping to provide the care needed by patients and are helping the
doctors and other clinical staff to work through waiting lists as quickly as possible.
The Trust wishes to thank patients for their understanding while staff work to
restore services safely.
Video links
The Trust has produced a number of videos for the public and patients – links to
these are below:
Help Us to Help You
Violet’s treatment story
Keeping you safe at SDH
Laura’s COVID-19 Story
Urgent and essential services have continued throughout the emergency. Advice
remains that anyone experiencing symptoms that are causing concern should seek
medical advice. If this is the case or if you think an existing condition is getting
worse or you are experiencing increasing pain, please contact your GP.
Compliance with social distancing and behavioural measures continue to be
important as restrictions on our personal freedoms are eased. It will help ensure
hospital services can return to normal quickly and safely.
John Mangan
Lead Governor and Public Governor for the New Forest